Evolutionary Healing Institute

As A Wellness Practice

I started Unified Therapy™ in 2008 with Jim Fazio to deal with a back issue that rendered me immobile about every 6 months.  Twenty years of chiropractic and acupuncture only relieved the symptoms temporarily, never resolved my problem.  I learned in my Unified Therapy™ sessions that this was caused by emotional fear and once I let that go, I have not had a problem with my back since 2008!

As I continued my sessions, I found my cholesterol returned to normal levels and I was able to stop taking Lipitor.  Guided into a healthier lifestyle, my weight returned to normal levels.  And the biggest surprise of all – I no longer had my heart murmur!  I was in my fifties and while others in my age group were on various medications – I was not.  That’s right – I was not on any medications.

All this convinced me to continue with Unified Therapy™ as a wellness practice, having regular sessions with Jim and with Dr Paul when he came to Rockledge for quarterly Healing Weekends.  This allowed me to dissipate the stressors of everyday life, particularly from an incredibly stressful job, and strengthen my autonomic nervous system, making me more resilient.

Then in 2019, I was diagnosed with cancer.

While no therapy, practice, or drug can guarantee we will not have medical issues – Unified Therapy™ does not make us immortal – a regular Unified Therapy™ practice can help lessen the anxiety, stress, and trauma of an illness.

I had ovarian cancer and prior to my surgery (hysterectomy), Dr Paul came to Rockledge where he and Jim together gave me a session to strengthen and prepare me for the surgery.  By this time, I was only 105 pounds.  I not only had the hysterectomy, but my surgeon discovered massive adhesions on my bowels, so I had a bowel resection as well.  My 1-to-2-hour surgery lasted 4 hours.  A three-day hospital stay turned into eight.  I healed beautifully.

Then came chemo – six rounds, three weeks apart.  Obviously, chemo batters your immune system and monitoring your bloodwork and avoiding infections are paramount when receiving chemo.  A blood panel is drawn prior to each chemo session.  The blood panel prior to my first session gave a baseline.  All was normal.

Three days after my first chemo, I had to return for more blood work.  Most people need a shot of antibiotics after chemo.  My oncologist was ecstatic, “Your blood work is PERFECT!  Your immune system is fighting back on its own!”  Uh, no – that is Unified Therapy™.  Jim was giving me weekly sessions to boost my immune system.

My blood work remained normal throughout my chemo treatments (my oncologist was amazed!) and while I did have side-effects, they were minimal.  Was there anxiety?  Certainly!  Especially when I lost my hair.  That was actually the worst, but Jim helped me through that, using each session to help me dissipate my stress, anxiety, and fears.  My oncology nurses noticed and told me how a positive attitude is so important in fighting cancer, told me real stories on how that makes a difference.

I rang the bell on January 20, 2020, and have been cancer free for almost 5 years.  Because my tumors were estrogen positive, I have been taking anti-estrogen meds, which has caused some side-effects, which due to the Unified Therapy™ tools learned, are manageable or have disappeared.  Hopefully, I can finish taking these meds in January and at 72 years old, will be completely med free again!

As a Wellness Practice – does Unified Therapy™ make a difference?  I am proof it does!  I had two friends who were diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the same time I was.  One had other health issues and chemo battered her so bad that she had to stop and start, giving her body time to recover.  She died within a year.  My other friend battled for years as her cancer spread to her liver.  She was doing well for a long time, but she also died this past summer.  I was unaware while going through treatment that ovarian cancer is usually fatal.  Luckly, mine was caught early and my body was strong and healthy thanks to a regular Unified Therapy™ practice.

And that has made all the difference…

Mary P Parker
Cancer Survivor/Thriver