The Brain-Body-Mind approach called Unified Therapy™, activates a natural, Homeostatic Stress Releasing Healing Reflex™ that addresses the etiology, rather than simply managing and treating symptoms. It not only has the capacity to treat multiple conditions at once, but also prevents vulnerability to future occurrences.
Healing is Feeling and Feeling is Healing.
Early childhood environments shape our brain and body for better or worse. The facts are that many chronic diseases in adulthood are determined decades earlier by toxic stressful environments (see the ACE Study) including the likelihood of experiencing the ten most common causes of death.
Unified Therapy™ is based on the discovery of an entirely new operating system that allows unprecedented communication into the brain, nervous system, and the mysterious higher self.
This operating system uses specific sensory and motor input signals along with cognitive, mindful attention to rewire the nervous system, positively altering Allostatic Loads (lifetime stress) resulting in Autonomic Nervous System balance and super conscious or transcended states of mind.
The new diagnostic advantages are immense – healing persistent unexplained illness, Functional Neurological Disorders (FND), pain, and disease. Real tools to address not only the psychological effects of toxic stress, pain and trauma, but for the first time, deeply etched neurological aspects in the brain and body.