Unified Therapy™

Unified Therapy™

A New Model for Somatic Healing and Consciousness

Welcome to the Evolutionary Healing Institute

Dr. Paul J Canali is a prominent figure in the field of somatic therapy, consciousness, and trauma healing. As a pioneer in the field, he has developed a unique therapeutic approach known as Unified Therapy™. His approach to somatic healing involves understanding how trauma, stress, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) are stored in the body and how they can be released through various applications that activate the body’s self-healing abilities to release lifetime stress (known as Allostatic Load) and restore balance to the nervous system.

Introduction to Unified Therapy™

What is Unified Therapy™? Unified Therapy™ by Dr. Paul Canali, a pioneer in somatic healing, is a holistic approach designed to activate the body’s self-healing abilities. This therapy focuses on releasing stress and restoring balance...
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New Patient Information

Welcome to the Evolutionary Healing Institute! Choosing the right therapist and therapy can be a difficult decision and we invite you to review the information throughout our website to see if Unified Therapy™ is where...
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Adverse Childhood Experiences

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is one of the largest investigations ever conducted to assess associations between childhood maltreatment and later-life health and well-being. The study is an ongoing collaboration between the Centers for Disease...
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The Healing Retreat Series are powerfully transformative and interactive events to help support and deepen your understanding and experiences of your Unified Therapy™ process and help you connect more deeply with yourself and others that...
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How Can Unified Therapy™ Help You?

The Brain-Body-Mind approach called Unified Therapy™, activates a natural, Homeostatic Stress Releasing Healing Reflex™ that addresses the etiology, rather than simply managing and treating symptoms. It not only has the capacity to treat multiple conditions at once, but also prevents vulnerability to future occurrences.

Healing is Feeling and Feeling is Healing.


Early childhood environments shape our brain and body for better or worse. The facts are that many chronic diseases in adulthood are determined decades earlier by toxic stressful environments (see the ACE Study) including the likelihood of experiencing the ten most common causes of death.

Unified Therapy™ is based on the discovery of an entirely new operating system that allows unprecedented communication into the brain, nervous system, and the mysterious higher self.

This operating system uses specific sensory and motor input signals along with cognitive, mindful attention to rewire the nervous system, positively altering Allostatic Loads (lifetime stress) resulting in Autonomic Nervous System balance and super conscious or transcended states of mind.

The new diagnostic advantages are immense – healing persistent unexplained illness, Functional Neurological Disorders (FND), pain, and disease. Real tools to address not only the psychological effects of toxic stress, pain and trauma, but for the first time, deeply etched neurological aspects in the brain and body.

Feel More at Ease in Your Life and Be at Peace with Your Body and Soul

Unified Therapy™ offers you a unique, direct experience of peace, joy, and happiness through this powerful process that brings you to a sense of ease in your body and feel at peace emotionally.

Experience the body’s amazing ability to release stored emotions and deeply ingrained patterns, creating space for healing, laughter, and freedom.  Learn to be present and feel joy in your body and enjoy more happiness in your life.


The healing arts and sciences in medicine and alternative practice are filled with numerous diagnoses, treatments and theories.  When subjected to closer inspection it becomes...


In this day and age most of us live in a society that does not encourage or give significance to inner feeling.  We are generally...


Dr. Paul Canali has been working for over four decades with the idea that consciousness, somatic awareness and the Autonomic Nervous System can be activated...


Buried around your gut, or digestive system, is a second brain.  The gut brain, also called the Enteric Brain, has a mind of its own. ...

Your Autonomic Nervous System and Your Health

Your Autonomic Nervous System can tell your doctor many things about how healthy you really are and what needs to be done to restore and...
Read More "Your Autonomic Nervous System and Your Health"


Heal Trauma Save The World Project™ is about ending the cyclical nature of trauma.  Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) is most destructive when passed down from...


When we experience a stressful or traumatic event, whether it is emotional or physical, our nervous system automatically goes into a response.  The most recognized...


Specific life experiences can trigger significant loss of health, happiness, and sense of purpose.  After studying thousands of individual cases, I have found that people...

The Relationship with Your Mind, Brain, and Body

Dr Paul Canali and Jim Fazio spent many years exploring the mysteries of the mind-brain-body connection to healing.  Here they talk about how one of the best and lasting attributes a human being can learn is the ability to have the relationship with your mind and your brain to be able to change your thoughts.

Healing The Pain That Runs Our Lives

Anxiety and Chronic Pain Patients Talk About Their Experiences with Unified Therapy™

This documentary was filmed in 2010 at the offices of the Evolutionary Healing Institute and during a Unified Therapy™ professional seminar.